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First 72 Hour Cyber-Attack Survival System &
FBI Recommendations

Prepare Your Business To Survive A Cyber-Attack

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The Premier Cyber Response Survival System

In the digital age, cybersecurity is not just an IT concern—it's a fundamental business imperative. As a CEO or CFO, the continuity and integrity of your operations are in your hands. But with the threat landscape constantly evolving, are you equipped to defend and respond?

Welcome to USM Technology, where we don't just strengthen your defenses—we prepare you to respond with confidence.

Proactive Protection, Strategic Response


Our Cyber Response Preparation offering is a suite of services meticulously designed to safeguard your enterprise from the most sophisticated threats and to ensure your leadership is prepared for swift and strategic action.

Services at a Glance:

  1. Penetration Test: Uncover your vulnerabilities before attackers do. Our ethical hackers simulate real-world attacks to test your defenses, providing you with insights to fortify your systems.

  2. Vulnerability Scan: Stay a step ahead with our comprehensive scanning service, identifying and evaluating potential threats to your network's security.

  3. Phishing Test: Employees often represent the front line of your cyber defense. We test their vigilance with simulated phishing campaigns, offering you a clear picture of your human firewall.

  4. Critical Cyber Response Policy Templates: Gain access to our repository of policy templates that ensure your response plans are robust, compliant, and ready to be actioned.

  5. Cyber Attack Simulation / Tabletop Exercise: Experience the heat of a cyber-attack in a controlled environment with our Cyber Attack Simulation. It's more than a drill; it's a full-scale exercise in readiness.

  6. Secure Microsoft 365 Tenant: When an attack compromises your network, secure communication is vital. Your secure Microsoft 365 Tenant serves as a digital war room, insulated from threats that may have infiltrated your primary network.

The USM Technology Advantage:

  • Tailored to Leaders: Our services are specifically designed for decision-makers. We translate technical challenges into business impacts, enabling informed decisions.

  • Comprehensive Readiness: From identifying weaknesses to preparing your team, our suite covers every angle of cyber response preparation.

  • Secure Collaboration: Our secure environment ensures that your response planning and communications are confidential and protected.

  • Expertise at Your Disposal: Our team of cybersecurity professionals brings years of experience in defense and response, offering not just services, but guidance.

Seize Control of Your Cybersecurity Posture

Don't wait for an attack to reveal the chinks in your armor. Partner with USM Technology to proactively secure your enterprise, equip your team, and champion a culture of cybersecurity awareness and readiness.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our Cyber Response Preparation offering can empower your leadership and protect your company's tomorrow.

Why The First 72 Hours Is So Critical

The average time it takes for a mid-sized business to recover from a cyber-attack can take three weeks or more while losing thousands of dollars per hour of downtime.

This makes the first 72 hours post-cyber attack all the more crucial. Not all cyberattacks are created equal, and with the rise of AI and access to such tools, cybercriminals are only becoming less easily distinguished compared to real, legitimate requests made by someone within your network, organization, vendors, or partners. So, what exactly would be the best way to minimize the likelihood of these consequences from happening?

The best solution is creating a framework for a cyber incident response as well as conducting cyber-attack simulation exercises to make sure your team is familiar with the actions that must be taken to respond to a cyber-attack effectively.

QR Code to Schedule a Quick Meeting with Stephen

If you want to discuss your organization’s cybersecurity strategy, you can request a meeting with Stephen here.

Exclusive FBI Roundtable For
Texas Business Leaders

A Special Agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Dallas Cyber Task Force recently joined with Stephen Cracknell, CEO and Founder of USM Technology, to deliver the following cybersecurity content to a group of North Texas business leaders. The Special Agent shared details about the latest cyber-attacks happening across Texas. He also provided details on how business leaders can leverage resources available from various government agencies to harden their cybersecurity protocols and respond to a cyber-attack. 

We discussed the latest tactics used by cyber criminals to pressure business leaders into making ransom payments. After reviewing the stages of a Human-Operated Ransomware Attack, the group conducted a mini-tabletop exercise where the realities of business leaders responding to a cyber-attack were brought to life. The event concluded with a conversation about how an organization’s leadership could build a program to enhance its ability to respond to a major cyber-attack. 

Interested in more of what the FBI shared during our event? Download your free copy of the FBI Executive Briefing.

FBI Executive Briefing Cyber Security Recommendations

Photos from the Executive Roundtable

Click Here to Download the First 72 Hours Infographic Below.

First 72 Hours - Human Operated Ransomwa

Business Leaders Takeaways From the FBI Roundtable

“The program was excellent! The most valuable component was asking the question, Does your company have a plan?”

~ Lee Wagner

Don't let a lack of preparation be why your organization falls victim to cybercriminals. Take the crucial steps right now to safeguard your organization.

QR Code to Schedule a Quick Meeting with Stephen

To discuss your organization’s cybersecurity strategy with Stephen, request a meeting here.

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